What we do
We develop grid-scale battery energy storage system projects from greenfield to ready-to-build stage in the UK, Spain and Germany.
We will work on projects from 50MWp upwards, but will normally aim for BESS arrays of 200-250MWp, with durations (or capacity) flexible and suited to the site and connection parameters
We develop BESS projects capable of delivering grid ancillary services as well as arbitrage & storage services.
We are technology-neutral but will plan for project parameters that allow the deployment of redox flow technologies.
Our projects will normally carry substantial site area expansion reserves.
Would you like to know more about BESS technology, markets and uses?
We have compiled further information, which we believe might be helpful for anyone interested in grid-scale battery energy storage systems.
These are links to external website and we would point to our terms of use in that regard. Just click on the logo next to the description.
Deutsche Welle Planet A series on renewable energy topics in short videos, very good 'civilian' explainer
Just have a Think - A series of weekly explainers on climate and renewable energy topics.
National Grid of the UK explains battery storage - from the horse's mouth, as it were
Energy Storage News - Online trade publication with news on technology and markets
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory in US - an excellent explainer on the uses and necessity of BESS
IEA International Energy Agency - a global view of what is happening to energy generation
Wiki - And how could we forget, there is a decent overview of all things BESS on Wikipedia of course
Energie-Experten with key explainers on the German and European energy market and technicals, in German
NG Electricity Ten Year Statement - pretty detailed and hard core but this is the font of all infos for UK
Green News - short video about a 250MW BESS project by Fluence in Germany
Deutsche Welle - Finally, a general point about debunking a few myths about renewables...